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Why use the this app?



You can connect your free app account with our equipment to record your workouts, monitor your performance and follow training programmes in a fun and easy way.


This app lets you link up your Fitbit / Garmin / Strava / Polar.



  Record Your Workouts using the                               App


How to setup the app?

technogym app qr code.JPG

The Technogym app can be downloaded from any Apple/Android device via the link above.


​If you don't already have an account, you will need to create one and connect to Sport Ireland Campus Fitness.


1. Enter a few personal details, such as name, age, email address, height, etc.


2. After you have created an account;

- Select 'Your Facilities'

- select '+',

- you will be prompted to enter the following numerical code: ac2016381,


This adds our gym to your app. Once you have linked Sport Ireland Campus Fitness, you should be ready to go!


Start logging your workouts!​


You can scan any QR codes on the cardio and strength machines on the main gym floor and enter reps/sets/weights, etc, to track your progress.


We highly recommend using this for our Spin classes by scanning the QR code on the bike before you start, and you'll see the progress!


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